Monday, September 30, 2019

Mobile Phone and Technology

Technology these days has advanced our lifestyle. Things have become so easy. Technology is being used everywhere and in everything. Several devices have been introduced like laptops and tablets. Each of them have their own versions with even more advanced apps. Such devices help us finish loads of work with ease, but using such devices even in fields of education might affect the habits of students.Schools have started introducing the idea of using tablets for taking down notes, writing simple tests and completing their projects. This gets the mind of a student completely in technology and they tend to forget the use of books. Earlier students did not have the idea of using internet to browse information about different topics and were dependent completely on books which resulted in a very good vocabulary, but students these days do not have much of a good vocabulary.They start to expect everything just by a touch on the screen. The students finish their work just for the sake of it and actually don't show any interest in it. Technology is good enough provided it is used in the right field and in the right age. Technology has evolved a lot and has introduced several innovative solutions to the entire world. Imagine a world without any means of technologically related gadgets. We can’t imagine a day without technology. Mobile phones and computers have remarkably gained a role in each and everyone life. For me, technology is all about communication related gadgets. What do you think?Today morning I woke up to sound of my mobile phone’s alarm screeching, and turned on radio to know the news. The radio is also attached with my mobile phone. Getting ready myself to go to office, I received a call from my colleague and who is tend to come to meet me this afternoon. I’ve reached the office and put my fingerprint on a machine to mark my arrival to the office. Then I check my emails. Still continuing works with computer. Ooh! no.. It’s all a bout tech, tech and tech. Technology has the power to rule myself throughout the day. Is it a normal condition? Many people tend to blame the technology, which has made people to look like annoying. Aren’t you feeling like this? Technology has its pros and cons, where we are  choosers to make our choice to make technology a boon.Modern life has been made easier with technology, but for every development, there is an equivalent increase in complication that seems to compensate those benefits. When contemporary day problems occur, we usually don’t have the time or power to figure out how to solve them and what to do with them. Here I am going to give you a guide, which can help you certain extent to solve modern problems that have aroused by technology.When it comes to computer, the internet is the phenomenal invention of all time, where we can find anything and everything on the go. And also, there is a potential of frustration on it to find suitable things in at a gi ven period of time. So here is a quick list on how to grip some of these darned problems.Get Rid Of InterruptionThe main source of inefficiency comes with distractions. By eliminating distractions we can have a boost in our lifestyle. Let’s say if you’re busy with a work, while your email notification blinks on your screen. How would you face this scenario? You have nothing to do with it rather than staring at what the notification says. This is how distractions come to our way to disturb the way we doing well.Opening multiple web browser open on the same desktop also, gives your interruptions and make you clueless where to look for that you’ve already opened to work. Eliminating these scenarios will make your day a wonderful with technology. Disturbances should be avoided, but every so often a bit of music in the background can help you focus. Of course, it doesn’t have to be weighty rock music, but a bit of melody may do you some fine.Learn To Say †˜No’If you tend to say ‘yes’ and agree with anything, it means you’re putting yourself in to trouble. Instead of agree with every task that you supposed to do, you can set limit and inform the relevant people that you can’t do it beyond a certain extend. Saying ‘No’ to a request is very hard, but it makes  you to feel better than ever. The raising of always on culture its employer always tries to connect his/her employees every possible time to get their work done. Don’t let it happened to you. Mobile phone might become you merely disturbance for you. Set your rules and inform them to the people who mostly care about you and your work. If you bind with the rules you can have more free time by eliminating unwanted call time.Set Limits To The InternetThe Internet has become one of the number one distractions. But, you can have the internet like a source; try to do more works in offline, it may help you to gain productivity in to your lifestyle. There are plenty of applications available on the internet to help you to work online with internet distractions. Google Gears is one of the well-known, best and reliable tools to work with. Just give a shot a try it and ultimately you’ll feel the difference about the way you work with computer thus, technology related gadgets.Switch OffThis is a very efficiency way of doing things better. You have nothing to do with it, just switch off the gadgets for certain time span, which are mostly annoying you. Most likely computer and mobile phone will be come in to this category. While you doing this you’ll feel calm and better mood. You can make this habit a routine and inform your colleagues and friends that you’re not available on particular time period. You can even put a remark on your email signature stating that you only reply for mail on particular time of the day. If someone intend reach you urgently, they might call you via phone or any other means. Simply unplug and feel the difference.Technology has introduced several gadgets; everything has the potential of being user friendly and helpful. If we make those gadgets into much troublesome we might lose our pleasant way of life to it. Don’t make technology to rules you, if you let you to control the technology it might become bane for you. But, if you control the technology to work for you by having alternative efficient ways, you probably have technology as boon. I hope.

Personal Ethics Statement Essay

My personal ethics statement includes my values and ideals important to me as an academic and in everyday life. My ethics are personal beliefs and morals that reflect and define the person I am. The decisions and choices I make every day should be consistent with integrity and respect toward others. These ethics will ensure my happiness and peace if I keep and hold these values. I believe the value of equality for people regardless of race, religion, and handicaps ensure that all people can be treated fairly. Treating people with respect and dignity while holding myself accountable to these principles will ensure that I treat others as I want to be treated. My preferred ethical lens is the reputation lens. I listen to my intuition and determine what character traits and virtues will best serve the community. The equality of a community is important to ensure a fair and balanced society for all. All people should contribute and develop a voice in a community by actively participating and finding common ground thru diversity. I believe in examining each situation in its own context rather than applying same solutions for the whole community. My blind spot possessing unrealistic role expectations either on myself or others means that I need to pay close attention to my expectations of other individuals. My expectations may not be the same as others, so not forgetting the people make mistakes same as me. Keeping in mind that I am not in control of every situation and that other people are capable of resolving problems or events that I may believe are only accomplishable by me. Trusting other people’s choices and decisions will help in overcoming this blind spot. My strengths include courage and steadiness in the face of obstacles. I avoid rash decisions and at the same time have courage to face unknown or untested waters. I value friendship and keep close connections with people I trust and value. I appreciate those who work alongside and help to encourage me. I value equality and demonstrate compassion for others in need. My weakness include; entitlement, hardness of heart, and confusion. Believing that I am entitled to special privileges and persuade others that my role gives me pecial rights are inconsistent with good character traits. Hardness of heart comes from experiences of people that did not live up to my expectations. I must develop and practice mindfulness not to be confused on the role that I am identified. Identifying my weakness is important, it allows for self-reflection and improvement. The values I hold, and the resultant behavior allows me to listen to my intuition and determine what traits and virtues will serve the community. My values define me and my behaviors are a reflection of whom I am. My behaviors also affect others in relationships either casual or professional. The choices I make are behaviors and reflect me. My personal ethics determine my course of action allowing me to see more clearly and finding balance in my life. Exploring and digging deep into my own emotions will allow me to discern decisions I make. Keeping an open and honest heart in all situations and reexamining my ethics will allow for improvement and correction. I believe that all these things will help keep me focused and grounded to help with better decision making and improve my quality of life.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Economic Growth and Financial Development

There are three views about the relation between economic growth and financial development. First, financial development has impact on economic growth (i. e. Bagehot, 1873; Schumpeter, 1912; McKinnon, 1973; Shaw, 1973; Patrick, 1966; Goldsmith, 1969; Fry, 1973). Second, economic growth leads to financial development and that where there is economic growth financial development follows (i. e. Robinson, 1952). The third view, however, contends that both financial development and economic growth Granger cause one another.In the essay, our group focus on the first view which financial development will has passive influence on economic growth. During the year from 1955 to 1993, many scholars has study the relationship between financial development and economic growth. Along with the time goes, the theory that financial development will real promote economic growth has been more and more prefect. In the years between 1950s and 1960s, economists such as Gurley and Shaw began to stress the c redit markets and the importance of financial intermediaries, which they believed play an important role in economy. 5] They argued that tradition monetary transmission mechanism ignores the factor of financial structure and financial flow and only pays attention to the total amount of money and the connection of the output. In 1955, Gurley and Shaw bring up the development of financial institution is both a determined and determining variable in the growth process. (Gurley and Shaw, 1995, p. 532). Gurley and Shaw stressed that financial intermediaries exert influence on credit supply rather than money supply.In this way, financial intermediaries improve the efficiency of savings turning into investments and then affect the whole economic activities. They are the earliest scholars to study in-depth the relationship between financial and economic development in developing countries. Gurley and Shaw pointed out that the main access road of monetary policy transmission probably have di verted from money quantity, which is traditionally thought as the medium of exchange.Whereas, the â€Å"financial capability† of economy would has a closer relationship with the gross expenditure. They put forward financial development enhances the intermediation of loanable funds and therefore growth will be stimulated and they have a debt-intermediation view. The Debt-intermediation view establishes relations between finance and growth. First, economic growth would be associated with financial development, as external indirect finance provides surplus units with the capacity to spend beyond their earnings.Second, growth would stimulate and be stimulated by the â€Å"institutionalisation of saving and investment†; income grows, richer wealth-holders will increase their desire to diversify their asset portfolio. If financial innovation is such to accommodate this â€Å"diversification demand†, financial institutions can enhance their lending capacity and thus bo ost growth; the process becomes a cycle. Gurley and Shaw has earlier pointed that the growing importance of NBFI (non-bank financial intermediaries) when they discussed their activities about potentially serious problems for monetary management and monetary policy. 1] Subsequent analysis of the problems had to two results. [2] First, if the monetary authorities exerted control over the financial system through the operating of the financial markets, monetary management would not be undermined. [3] Second, which placed specific restrictions on banks, at that time the dominant financial entities, the growing role of NBFI was stimulated in part by the opportunities for intermediation created by monetary policy measures.These contributions stressed the relevance for financial â€Å"deepening† (mean financial development) of rising wealth and income, then attempts to control the activities of financial intermediaries. Wealth and income incent the demand for financial services. Res trictions and Controls on financial intermediaries create the stimulation for further financial intermediation by generatingâ€Å"quasi-rents† that risk among participants in financial and capital markets and reflect differences in information. 4] However, Gurley and Shaw do not address the issue of causality between financial development and economic growth. In 1966, Patrick make the causality issue is addressed, he posed theâ€Å"stage of development† hypothesis, where the direction of causality between financial development and economic growth changes over the course of development. [6] Two hypotheses are developed, one is Demand-following hypothesis: a causal relationship from real to finance and the other is Supply-leading hypothesis: a causal relationship from finance to growth.The supply-leading hypothesis supposes a causal relationship from financial development to economic growth, which means mature creation of financial institutions and markets increases the supply of financial services, and thus leads to real economic growth. Patrick suggests that initial development is spurred by supply-leading process, which gives way to demand-following process. He posed financial institutions and services emerge as demand for those services unfolds. The idea is that finance is passive in the growth process, but lack of financial institutions may prevent growth to occur.Financial institutions and their services precede the emergence of demand; government support is needed to finance and nascent modern sector, such as subsidized loans, information to small business and long loan durations. He points out the importance of finance in economic growth. The difficulty of establishing the link between financial development and economic growth was first identified by Patrick (1966), he argued that a higher rate of financial growth is positively correlated with successful real growth. [7] In his theory, commercial banks may issue banknotes and accept â€Å" easy† collaterals. Easy loan† can induce economic growth, for it can finance innovation-type investment, however, in fact it can also induce irresponsible borrowing. Since the important work of Patrick, that first postulated a bi-directional relationship between financial development and economic growth. A large empirical literature has emerged testing this hypothesis as the Patrick's (1966) problem remains unresolved: What is the cause and what is the effect? Is finance a leading sector in economic development, or does it simply follow growth in real output which is generated elsewhere. References: [1] de Oliviera Campos, R. 1964) â€Å"Economic Development and Inflation with Special Reference to Latin America† in Development Plans and Programmes Paris: Organisation for Cooperation and Development [2] Duesenberry, J. S. and M. F. McPherson (1991) â€Å"Monetary Management in Sub-Saharan Africa† HIID Development Discussion Papers no. 369, January [3] Friedm an, M. (1973) Money and Economic Development The Horowitz Lectures of 1972 New York: Praeger Publishers [4] Malcolm F. McPherson and Tzvetana Rakovski (1999) â€Å"Financial Deepening and Investment in Africa: Evidence from Botswana and Mauritius†, Copyright 1999 Malcolm F.McPherson, Tzvetana Rakovski, and President and Fellows of Harvard College [5] Liu Pan Xie Tao (2006) The Monetary Policy Transmission in China-â€Å"Credit Channel† And Its Limitations, Working Papers of the Business Institute Berlin at the Berlin School of Economics (FHW-Berlin) [6] Anthony P. Wood and Roland C. Craigwell Financial Development and Economic Growth: Testing Patrick’s Hypothesis for Three Caribbean Economies [7] Philip Arestis (2005) FINANCIAL LIBERALISATION AND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FINANCE AND GROWTH, University of Cambridge

Friday, September 27, 2019

Economic Policy of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economic Policy of China - Essay Example The two way trade in China has grown faster than it's GDP for the last quarter of the century. (Ken Davies, 2000) After 1979 the Central - Local Relationship was made flexible: This initiated a loose and decentralized management controls over policy making, resource allocation, production issues (Ravi, 2005). The authority of local government people as well as plant supervisors in the industries were increased through the increment in the autonomy of public enterprises. This encouraged the private sector in the services as well as the light manufacturing industry. Foreign trade and investment was increased through a diversification in the banking systems, development of stock markets, and encouragement of the private enterprises (Baizhu & Feng, 2000). An example of localism is that the central government is subjected to severe budget deficits while revenue generation of local is increasing. The budget stood around -7.0% of GDP in 2006. There has been a trend of changing role of institutions. Structural downsizing of State organs, streamlining departments, and creating institutions like the 'the National Development Planning Commission', 'The State Economic and Trade Commission' and 'Ministry of Commerce' to manage the macroeconomic competitiveness that China is striving to achieve. According to the purchasing parity as it accounted for 12 per cent of global GDP. Ever since the 1980s the real income has grown approximately 400 per cent per head, and the export import has increased 11 to 13 per cent per year. The manufactured goods constitute 90 per cent of the total exports while the ratio of trade-in-goods to GDP today is around 50 per cent. (Sally, 2004) Today not only are the Chinese commodities exported to the world a large amount of foreign commodities pouring into China. During the period 1990 to 2001, the world's exports were growing at the rate of 6.3% while in China the exports experienced at 14.9% growth. The import growth rate was 6.5% on average while China had 15.5%. The Chinese products not only prove to be cheap and efficient but also the foreign companies become price competitive by producing in China. (People's Daily Online, 2003) China's trade liberalism is directly linked to the open investment policies. In 2002 the Foreign Direct Investment was $450 million from $90 million in 1990. It represented 36% GDP of China whereas 6% of the world's total. Most of the FDI stock comes from the manufacturing sector which constitutes about 7% of the world's overall manufacturing. (Sally, 2004) Despite all the good things about the openness of trade there have been some major macro economic issues that the country is currently facing today. The first is the external debt issue. In 2005 the three main indicators of external debt were way below the internationally accepted line; this is an alarming situation for a country like China. The external debt as compared to the GDP was 12.63%. Another issue is the public debt. China's public debt was 22.1% of total GDP (2006). In 2005 Standard and Poor's revised China's credit ratings saying that China had come out of the instability and made progressive reforms and successfully implemented them. The rating increased to A- from BBB+ for levels above the 'non-investment' status that shows S and P's has a more positive of China. Moody's Investors Service has rated China favorably five notches above the non investment status.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Implementation plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Implementation plan - Case Study Example In an effort to ensure efficiency, effective project planning is a critical step in the implementation of any project. This involves the definition of tasks for the market, planning, and development teams (Pfeiffer, 2008). Market research was the first main task, which sought to outline the opportunities and the potential challenges in the Qatar market. This is a critical step because businesses need to understand a foreign market well before venturing into its opportunities. After successful market research, the definition of the specifications, which involves the identification of target customers as well as the distribution channels followed. These two tasks are the responsibilities of the marketing team, and marked the first milestone after five weeks. The next steps involved the design of a website and extensive project planning. Project planning in this case involved budget and export planning. The completion of these tasks marked the achievement of the second milestone, which happened in four weeks. The development team was involved in the launching of the product. In the first two weeks, the initial launching was conducted, which was accompanied by rigorous promotional activities. After the in itial launch, the VOSS premium product was then fully launched into different distribution channels that targeted top hotels and restaurants. This marked the third and most important milestone in launching the VOSS brand in Qatar, and took about five weeks. After the full launch, the teams indulged in assessment of the product performance within different distribution channels. Moreover, the product was actively monitored and customer feedback sought by the marketing team (Lodato, 2008). The last three weeks of the project involved analysis of the customer feedback to gain information that would be used in improving the product distribution in Qatar. Pfeiffer, E. (2008). VOSS Water and Retail Expansion:Implications for a

Food Cultures and Consumption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Food Cultures and Consumption - Research Paper Example This food culture is considered a part of the social identity of these people and is a part of their tradition and heritage. Hence, it is important to study the food culture and consumption habits of people while making studies on the human consumption behavior. Symbolic association between food and culture There is a symbolic association between different preparations of food and the consumption habits of people in different cultural background. One more aspect of food is defined by beverages. Beverages form an important part of food in every culture. In many communities, such as in European countries, China and Japan, consumption of wine resembles their cultural heritage of brewing high quality of wine. Wine consumption is itself identified as a separate field of study and scores of researchers have conducted specific research works on wine consumption habits of people. Research works in psychology, sociology as well as anthropology has evidences of mention of wine consumption habi ts of the population. It is deeply instilled within the cultural connotation of the community (Goodman, 2009). Research shows that in almost all communities around the world, traditional meetings, festivals and cultural gatherings reflect the presence of food as a part of festivity or occasion. Food is a key factor in social interactions and acts as an important mechanism for determining relationships among community members (Rijswijk & Frewer, 2008). Often varied communication channels are discovered among nonmembers during discussion over food during snacks breaks, lunch or dinner. However, according to some researchers claim that the food habits of people, although closely associated with their traditional background, are highly affected by the changing nature of the countries under effect of globalization. Irrespective of the current food consumption pattern of the people, it is claimed by researchers that food habit of the population is representative of the population group an d changing food habits are symbolic of the evolving cultures of these communities. New horizons in marketing opportunities In this era of globalization, the effect of the culture and practices of the western society has spread to almost all the countries. In developing countries of Asia and Africa, westernization has affected the growth pattern of these countries. This shows that the growth process embraces the practices of the western countries of the USA and the countries of the European continent. This implicates that there is a strong relation between the growth of a society and their food habits. Companies all around the globe are utilizing this opportunity to expand their services, add new products to their portfolios and capture new markets within the country as well as internationally. In social functions or business meetings, people often discuss and sort out business issues or even establish new contracts. In this scenario, food habits play a major role in developing and a ugmenting contacts. Marketers can enhance the business activities of their companies by intervening into the food consumption pattern of people. Two distinct cultures are visible in this context, association of food and wine and between food and beer. Research works show that the food and beer are not as popular among different communities as food and wine. There is a perceived

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Stock Investment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Stock Investment - Assignment Example In his article Strategies for Stock Selection, he put forward four factors to look at: markets; economic cycle; obvious risks; and company (How to Choose Stock 2006). Foremost in his recommendations is buying stocks that an investor is not only acquainted with but knowledgeable in. Peter Lynch advises that an investor should buy the stock of a company whose products are purchased by him and his social circle. He should asses if this product will continue to become popular in the future. He cautioned investors that if they can't explain what a company is doing, they should not invest its stocks. In the process of knowing a company, it is imperative that an investor also looks at the current financial position of the company by looking at the different aspects of the business with the help of financial ratios. These ratios reflect not only reflect the financial situation of a business entity but also shows the company's strengths and weaknesses in terms of numbers. Aside from gaining a deep insight on the company's operation and current financial position, an investor should also look at the company's historical performance in terms of financial ra tios and stock prices. To maximize the investment profitability, return of a stock should be compared with other stocks in the same industry (How to Choose Stock 2006). This report is an analysis of the profitability of holding Ted Baker PLC's stocks as ... t an investor also looks at the current financial position of the company by looking at the different aspects of the business with the help of financial ratios. These ratios reflect not only reflect the financial situation of a business entity but also shows the company's strengths and weaknesses in terms of numbers. Aside from gaining a deep insight on the company's operation and current financial position, an investor should also look at the company's historical performance in terms of financial ratios and stock prices. To maximize the investment profitability, return of a stock should be compared with other stocks in the same industry (How to Choose Stock 2006). This report is an analysis of the profitability of holding Ted Baker PLC's stocks as an investment. The next section will briefly introduce the company. Financial analysis will be used to ascertain the current and historical performance of the company. Competitor analysis through a thorough quantitative data will also be employed. The paper will conclude with its findings and recommendations. An appendix containing the accounts used in the financial analysis will be presented. II. Company Profile Ted Baker PLC is primarily involved in the design, manufacture, wholesale and retail of menswear, womenwear, and childrenswear and related accessories which includes skinwear, fragrances, eyewear, and watches. The company was formed by Ted Baker and J. Peterman and is a leader in the apparel and textile industry in the United Kingdom. Ted Baker PLC has 100 retail distributors in the United Kingdom. Internationally, the company's product line is sold in 600 other stores abroad (Ted Baker PLC 2006). A. Historical Performance Looking at the historical performance of the company is essential in determining trends

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing - Assignment Example Westwood (2006) states that with innovation and marketing being driving force of most organizations, the brand manager does the following: †¢ Supports in driving innovation of new strategies of marketing in communication industries, †¢ Assists in leading the improvement of developing new products for the brand. Major duties in this role include new product ideation and exploratory, insight mining, presentation as well as development of results of marketing concept with senior management, developing packaging design, developing claims and interfacing with other departments of the organization throughout all stages of developing new products. †¢ The brand manager also partners with and motivates a wide-ranging cross-functional overall team of market R&D, research, finance, sales, package design, operations and engineering to enable breakthroughs along with game-changing advancement to the market. To accomplish this, the brand Manager requires highly motivated individuals with strong creative, analytical, interpersonal and problem-solving skills. †¢ Brand manager manages customer relations. With management of customer relations, he communicates with organizational customers during the many phases of the process of purchasing the products. †¢ The brand manager controls the marketing mix. Marketing mix entails all tangible fundamentals that enable marketing of products of the organization. These include organizational employees, facilities, the products themselves, the selling process, the cost strategy and process of advertising and promotion

Monday, September 23, 2019

Citizenship Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Citizenship - Article Example Philosophers and political theorists including Kant, Hobbes, Marx, Machiavelli and Locke etc have presented different views and articulated various theories to define the manners, rights and obligations of citizenship. Their works indicate directly and indirectly the factors supportive in maintaining peaceful atmosphere within a social set up. They have also indicated the basic causes and circumstances leading the nations towards the path of conflict and destruction. The term citizenship simply refers to the membership of a country, a state, a tribe, a community or an authority, which creates rights and duties between citizens and the state. The individuals are bound to abide by the norms, values, mores, taboos and laws determined by the authorities to keep peace and solidarity in its fold. Citizenship not only implements wide range of obligations on citizens, but also offers them many opportunities to grow, make progress, involve into social, political, cultural, religious, economic and other peaceful activities on the one hand, and assures the individuals peaceful environment, security of life, honour and belongings, legal remedies, justice and equality within its platform on the other. Looking into the history of the world from the most primitive societies of Palaeolithic and Neolithic eras to the most modern ones of contemporary technological age, it becomes evident that social inequality and injustices always existed in all human societies give birth to stratification and conflict. Philosophers and thinkers have defined the causes and consequences of conflict between different groups and remedies for it in order to escape anarchical situation in the society. Sociological researches too reveal the very fact that even during the ancient times different classes existed in every culture and civilization.Kant emphatically submits that the state of peace among the people living side by side and remaining in constant interaction with one another cannot be remained peaceful, as it is in the nature of man to contain differences with other fellow-beings. It is therefore it is war rather than peace which could be stated as the natural one. The same is the case with nations and states which are at warring positions in the one way or the other. Many wars took place between the Greeks and the Persians time and again sabotaging the peace and harmony of the countries. Absence of any regularity authority to check the advances of the c onflicting states kept them in constant war position. The Athenians declared these wars as the golden chapter of their history, though it cost hundreds of lives as well as pushed the economy to a sorry state. "In Ionia (the modern Aegean coast of Turkey) the Greek cities, which included great centres such as Miletus and Halicarnassus, were unable to maintain their independence and came under the rule of the Persian Empire in the mid 6th century B.C. In 499 BC the Greeks rose in the Ionian Revolt, and Athens and some other Greek cities went to their aid." (Quoted in The Persians invaded

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Potato Salad Americans Essay Example for Free

Potato Salad Americans Essay 1. Go to the Cooking Light website or any other website that gives you healthy recipes and chose a recipe you would like to try. Website you used: Cooking light . com Recipe you chose ? copy and paste the recipe including nutrition information in the space below. How to Make Potato Salad Americans can definitely agree on one thing: Potatoes are our favorite veggie. Each of us eats about a whopping 130 pounds per year. During the summer months (if not year-round), you can safely bet that loads of potatoes find their way into the ubiquitous potato salad. Honestly, can you have a cookout or picnic without one? Despite regional interpretations, theres really one basic way to make this popular dish. And here, well show you how to master the technique and turn out a variety of unique, healthy salads. Step One: Cut to Size Cut potatoes into uniform shapes and sizes so theyll cook evenly. If theyre different sizes, some will become mushy while others still have an undesirable crunch. Low-starch varieties, like red potatoes, work best in potato salads. Step Two: Start in Cold Water. Be sure to start with cold water when boiling potatoes. This works to solidify the outer surfaces and helps prevent them from getting too soft as the interior cooks, so the potatoes will hold their shape nicely in a potato salad. Step Three: Add Dressing Make the dressing while the potatoes cook, and toss them with the dressing while theyre still warm so theyll absorb maximum flavor. If using dairy products, like sour cream, allow the potatoes to cool slightly before tossing to prevent curdling. Step Four: Add Additional Flavors and Ingredients Customize your salad. For example, add your favorite veggies, fresh herbs, or salad greens. You can even give the salad an international flair: Lemongrass adds Thai flavor; chutney lends an Indian taste. 2. Try out the recipe, take a picture of you with the prepared meal and report back to class what you thought of this recipe. Would you recommend it? Will you make it again? Anything you would change the next time? To get full credit for this assignment, you need to show your picture to your instructor. Initial of instructor.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Tribal friendly rights and government apathy

Tribal friendly rights and government apathy Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA), Forest Rights Act and the tribal situation in India â€Å"The interplay of tribal friendly rights and government apathy† Introduction The enactment of the PESA (The panchayat extension to schedule areas act, 1996) aimed for devolution of power to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in the scheduled areas at the grass-root level. While, the FRA (Forest Rights Act, 2006) emphasizes on recognition of claim over the forestland of which the tribals have been inhabitants for generations. However, the legislation has been unsuccessful in mainstreaming the tribals; as well as there have been serious cases of violation creating uproar among the indigenous communities. Since, both the legislation have interdependence in terms of their functioning it becomes very important for one to have a clear understanding of both the acts and their implication in present settings. The paper is an attempt to discuss the so-called tribal friendly acts the PESA and the FRA. The paper starts with the historical background that lead to the formation of the acts followed by some basic features of the act laid down for identifying the basic righ t of the tribal population and their claim over rights. The discussion follows with a case study on violation of these rights. Forests Rights Act 2006 Historical Background The first enactment of the forest rights act was during the colonial periods in British India in the year 1865. The British government drafted the act to oversee the claims by different communities who used the forest traditionally for centuries to procure minor forest produce. On the other hand, the act empowered the British government to demarcate any forest as government forest and accordingly make rules for its management. In fact, the 1865 act termed the forest as worthless and the communities could use it unhindered. However, soon when the demand for use of timber in the railways rise the colonial government embarked upon the idea of bringing a new act that could curtail free use of forest produce. The previous act defined unhindered use of forest produce but the new act specified issue of unwarranted arrest of anyone found offending the new law. Thus, the new law exercised the full control of the state over the forests. Under previous act, any land that has green cover can be declared as a forestland. However; the provisions itself restricted the state to plant trees on a barren land and declare it a forestland. The earlier act also had no mentioning of principles on which a state or certain communities could manage a forest. Similarly, rights on hunting and grazing unmentioned under the previous act, which individuals were accustomed-to. Thus, the colonial government allowed the use of forest by the communities as a privilege but with no legal sanction. In this way, the colonial Government set out to draft a new law where it could exercise full control over a forest. Thus, under the new draft the categorization of forest made (reserved, protected or village) basing upon its valuable use for future and provisions made to safeguard the same. A restriction on grazing was mandated and protection of certain species of plants maintained by the new law to disallow the communities to withdraw minor forest produce including timber. Thus, the Indian Forest Act of 1867 came into being inclu ding all the provision where the state had full control over the Indian forest. The new act also took under consideration of the communities that practiced shifting cultivation by settlements made by the appointed settlement officer on claims made. Thus, new set of provisions clearly demarcated the category of forest to be a reserve, protected or a village forest. However, certain amendments were made to the existing forest acts of 1867, as amended acts of 1927 that included the provisions of imprisonment to violators of the previous acts. Provisions like levying of duties on extracting the timber produce out of the forest. Nevertheless, some consolation were also made on grazing of animals because of increasing conflict between the forest dwellers and the officials. THE SCHEDULED TRIBES AND OTHER TRADITIONAL FOREST DWELLERS (RECOGNITION OF FORESTS RIGHTS) ACT, 2006 The ministry of tribal affairs implements the provisions made under the act. The act came into effect from 31.12.2007. The present act aims at recognizing the forest rights and occupations of the traditional forest dwellers who have been residing in the forestland for generations. The act also has provisions to legitimate the claims of present forest dwellers of their ancient lands whose rights could not be recorded during the colonial period and ensures the same through a framework. However, the right does not allow the unhindered use of the forestland. A traditional dweller can use the forestland for livelihoods only if sustainable for the forest and guarantees to maintain ecological balance as well as the diversity. Some amendments were also made in 2012 regarding the disposal and sale of minor forest produce with exemption from any fees or royalties. Some basic provisions of the act are as follows: An individual if belonging to a member of a traditional forest dwelling community has the right to reside in a forestland for the purpose of habitation or any socio-economic activities like cultivation One can collect minor forest produce within or beyond the village boundary if a traditional forest dweller Community rights to fishing and grazing of cattle if belonging to nomadic or pastoral communities Provisions of community tenure for primitive tribes over a forest land For claims over a piece of land by conversion of pattas to titles by the local authority The act provisions conversion of old unsurveyed forest villages into revenue villages whether or not it had any previous evidence of any form of ratification Customary rights to traditional forest dweller over village forest Non-diversion of forest land that involves felling of not more than 75 trees per hectare for government structure like schools, hospitals, anganwadis or electric/telephone lines or any other government projects Prior permission of gram sabha if at all such structures are built for benefit of the people A community has to be resettled and equally compensated if displaced from a conserved or protected forest that to with prior permission of the gram sabha Panchayat (Extension to Schedule Areas) Act 1996 Historical background of the act The act was enacted as an extension to the 73rd amendment act, for self-governance at grass-root level in schedule v and schedule VI areas. The formation of the schedule areas can be traced back to history during the colonial period with the delineating of extremely backward tribal regions into schedule areas. The areas were scheduled under the Scheduled District Act of 1874, further classification into two broad categories were made under the Government of India Act of 1935. The northeastern states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram declared as schedule VI areas whereas the rest of the tribal areas in different states delineated as schedule V areas. The government of India during the implementation of the Panchayati Raj Act found it difficult to exclude the schedule areas under its ambit. Since, the schedule areas act does not provide legal sanctions to the 73rd amendment. There was also huge uproar since the Tribal Advisory Council and the Autonomous District Council in the schedule V and schedule VI areas respectively holds exclusive rights to administer tribal areas. Moreover, the respective council holds exclusive power to repeal or amend any legislation regarding the administration of the schedule areas under its jurisdiction. Thus, the government of India in 1994 set up a committee chaired by Dileep Singh Bhuria to submit recommendations on providing a framework for administration of the scheduled areas. All the provisions in the 73rd amendment are applicable in schedule areas but only with certain exceptions and modifications. The PESA provisions for democratic participation in decision-making processes at grass-root level, the basic features of the act are as follows: provisions for panchayat to safeguard the customary laws and traditional social and religious practices Rights for villages or habitation to manage its affairs according to traditional and customary laws Gram sabha to safeguard the traditions and customs of the people and resolve dispute according to the customary laws Gram sabha to approve all government developmental projects at village level Gram sabha to decide on the identification of beneficiaries for government schemes Proportionate reservation of seats in panchayat elections Gram sabha or panchayats to decide on land acquisition for development projects with proper rehabilitation of the affected person Panchayat or gram sabha to grant mining lease and prospecting license for minor minerals Concerned state government through panchayats and gram sabha to prevent alienation of land alienated illegally and restoration of such land to ensure management of minor water bodies Case studies The case of Niyamgiri tribes A serious violation of Forest Rights Act and PESA can be seen in Niyamgiri where the Orissa government signed a joint agreement with the state owned Orissa Mining Corporation and the Vedanta Alumina to set up an alumina refinery. The region is the place of indigenous Dongaria tribes who have lived there for almost two centuries. The company plans to extract bauxite from the Niyamgiri hills; for its proposed alumina refinery at Lanjigarh in the Koraput district of Orissa. The hills are also their place of worship for generations, to a male deity â€Å"Niyam Raja Penu.† The Dongaria tribes consider themselves the descendants of the Niyam raja. Thus, the Niyamgiri hills are not just a place of cultural heritage to the tribal community but also of economic importance to the state government for its rich bauxite mines. The government in its series of violation granted mining lease without the consultation of the local tribes. The government also hurried in giving environmental clearance to let the company to set up its unit without studying the environmental impacts of the project. The company in its part violated the basic norms of not conducting the gram sabhas or consulting the panchayats to carry on the project. Moreover, there is no concrete plan of rehabilitation and resettlement of the tribes facing displacement due to the project. The local tribes on the other hand have no plans to negotiate with the company, since they consider it as an invasion into their homeland. The government in its obsession to pursue economic desires violated the fundamental rights of its own citizens against all legalities. The central empowered committee of the Supreme Court also found lot of illegalities against the central government in granting mining lease to the company. Moreover, the region belongs to the sc heduled areas thus it becomes a serious issue since the constitution mandates non-transfer of tribal land to non-tribal. Apart from being rich in minerals, the region is also a place of numerous wildlife animals declared vulnerable. The Dongaria known for their primitive way of life are alien to the outside world. They have been practicing sustainable agriculture depending upon the forest for their livelihood. The name Dongaria itself derives its name from dongar that means ones whose agriculture land are at the hills. However, the Supreme Court ruling on November 27, 2007 provided some respite to the agitating tribal by putting temporary ban on bauxite mining. On the other hand, it also provided the company with an escape clause to request for fresh proposal if it abides by all the guidelines pertaining to the law. Despite regular opposition, the government is adamant to its decision to give the company a free run. Repeated protest from the civil society and Ngo’s has also undeterred the government in its stance. Nevertheless, the government looks keen to facilitate the company in whatsoever situation or allegation of violation of any constitutional rights. Conclusion Although, certain legislations have been implemented starting from the colonial to the post-independence era in the name of tribals they lacked basic understanding of the tribal rights. The acts and laws on one hand guarantees to safeguard the fundamental rights as enshrined in the constitution. On the other hand, the state itself comes up as the biggest violator of the rights of its citizen. The tribal communities have been subjugated to exploitation from time to time and their voices suppressed by use of force by the state. The acts as always termed to be tribal friendly and talks of promoting their rich cultural and social values along with an aim to mainstream them with various developmental projects. However, the state has always failed in its every attempt to listen the voices of the marginalized and still alienates them from not only their land but from worldly affairs. References Guha, R. (1983). Forestry in British and post-British India: A historical analysis.Economic and Political Weekly, 1882-1896. Ray, S., Saini, S. (2011). Development and Displacement: The Case of an Opencast Coal Mining Project in Orissa.Sociological Bulletin, 45-64. Sahu, G. (2008). Mining in the Niyamgiri Hills and tribal rights.Economic and Political Weekly, 19-21. Sharan, R. (2005). Alienation and restoration of tribal land in Jharkhand: Current issues and possible strategies.Economic and Political Weekly, 4443-4446. Upadhyay, S. (2003). JFM in India: Some legal concerns.Economic and Political Weekly, 3629-3631.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Various Devices Of Communication Systems Information Technology Essay

The Various Devices Of Communication Systems Information Technology Essay Communication devices route and transmit information to various devices, including radio and telephone systems. Communications devices transmit voice and audio signals to telephone and cellular phones, which receive and reconvert the waves back into sound. Transmissions may be wired or wireless, depending on the application. Most telephones are wired, whereas cellular phones use wireless technology. Telephones themselves are communication devices and include a number of components and accessories including adapters, batteries, and electrical elements. Other communication devices commonly used for audio and telephone applications include magnetic receivers, optical interconnects, and switchboards. Magnetic receivers are communication devices that detect the magnetic fields emitted by a transmitter. Optical interconnects transmit information through optical cables, which are capable of higher bandwidth compared to traditional cables. Phone switchboards route communications and add adva nced features to telephone systems. Telephone systems may also employ automated voice answering systems to take messages and provide automated information retrieval requests. These communication devices are commonly used in call centres and for technical support applications. Communication devices also transmit information to radios and pagers. Radios are communication systems that send and/or receive electromagnetic waves and consist of a transmitter, receiver, and antenna. Pagers are electronic communications devices that are used to notify or alert a user. Communication received by pagers may be numeric or alphanumeric, depending on the model and complexity of the device. Other types of communication devices include navigation systems, such as global positioning systems (GPS) instruments and radar systems. GPS communication devices receive satellite communications and use it to provide position information. Radar communication devices use synchronized transmitters and receivers to send radio waves and detect their r eflections from objects, surfaces and sub-surface structures. List of Communication Devices Telephone Component Cellular Phone Radio Radar Systems Phone Switchboard Navigational Instrument Intercoms GPS Devices Automated Answering Devices Hubs and Bridges Routers and Switches Brouters Other Networking devices There are different communication devices such as routers, hub, switches and brides. These devices are required to transmit the data between one computer and another.   Based on the infrastructure of your network, you need to use different devices.   Hub and Switch are the LAN devices and the router is a LAN/WAN device.   These devices provide the medium of sending and receiving the data and connect the LAN and WAN segments of a network.   The other network devices are gateways, CSU/DSU, wireless access points, modems, ISDN adapters, proxy, firewall, multiplexer, digital media receiver, load balancers and the NIC adapter. Each of these devices plays a specific role in a computer network and only the complex and the large network use all these devices.   Being a network engineer or the systems administrator, you need to know the role and features of each device in your network. Hubs Hub is a LAN networking device and every computer in an Ethernet based network is directly connected with the hub. All the computers that are connected to the network share the same bandwidth.   When a hub receives the data packets at one of its port, it distributes the data signals to all the ports in a network. When two or more computers try to send the data signals at the same time, a collision occurs and the process is known as Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection.   Hubs are usually come with the 4, 8, 16 and 24 ports.   In the data communications, a hub is a place for the convergence where data arrives from multiple directions and forward to the multiple directions. The most advanced form of the hub is the intelligent or smart hub that contains the management software which is used to troubleshoot the most common problems. Bridges Bridges are the networking devices that divided up the network into different segments to reduce the amount of traffic on each network.   A bridge blocks and forwards the data packets based on their MAC addressees.   Be blocking the unnecessary traffic to enter the other part of the network segments, it reduces the amount of traffic and the other issues such network congestions and the bottleneck.   There are following three common types of the bridges. Transparent Bridge A Transparent bride is invisible to the other part of the computer network and it performs the functions of blocking and forwarding the data packets based on the MAC addressees.   They are the most popular types of the bridges. Translational Bridge Translation bridges are used to connect the two different networks such as Ethernet and Token Ring. It translates the data and forward to the other network. Source-Route  Bridge Source-Route bridges are designed for the Token Ring networks.   In the Source-Route Bridge, the entire route of the network frame is embedded into the frame. Switches A network switch is a LAN/WAN communication device. It joins the multiple computers together in the LAN and WAN.   In the LAN, the switches do not broadcast the data to all the connected computers like the hub.   Based on the IP/MAC addresses of the computer, a switch sends data only to the destined computer.   Switches operate on the data link and network layers of the OSI layers model.   Different models of the switches support the different number of the connected devices.   In the LAN, switches support 10mbps 10/100 mbps or 100mbps data transmission speed.   A switch conserves the bandwidth and offers the grater performance than the hub. Routers A router is a networking device that is used to connect the two or more logically and physically different networks.   On the internet, the routers plays the functions of sorting and distribution of the data packets based on the IP addresses of the destination router or computer.   Router use the header and forwarding table to choose the best shortest path to transmit the data towards the destination. A router is used to connect the two LANs, two WANs, and LAN with WAN and a LAN with the ISP network. Router uses the ISDN, frame relay, ATM and other communication technologies. A router operates at the network layer of the OSI model. GPS Global positioning system (GPS) instruments and GPS modules are radio-navigational devices that provide accurate position information about objects on Earth, based on information from orbiting satellites. Equipped with rubidium atomic clocks, 24 GPS satellites in high-orbital planes use coarse acquisition (C/A) codes to communicate with GPS ground stations. These Earth-based control segments monitor almanac and ephemeris signals from GPS satellites, and communicate the small corrections that become necessary when there are changes to either a satellites orbit or to Earths ionosphere. By using the information in the almanac and ephemeris signals, GPS receivers can determine the time required to transmit a signal. Because that time is proportional to the distance traveled, GPS modules and devices can determine the arc on which the GPS receiver lies and, therefore, the intersection point and position. Selecting GPS instruments and GPS modules requires an analysis of parameters for produ ct type, performance, power, and connection and communication. Product types include GPS receivers, GPS transmitters, GPS antennas, and GPS data loggers. Performance specifications for GPS receiver modules include the number of channels, frequency range, sensitivity, position accuracy, and time to first fix. Task 2 Leaflet

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Finance :: Graduate Admissions Essays

Pursuing a Doctoral Degree in Finance    I have an excellent job with tremendous advancement opportunities. At my well-paid job at a prestigious investment bank on Wall Street, my computer science and analytical skills are recognized and lauded. Moreover, I enjoy intellectual interactions with my Ph.D. colleagues, have many friends, and am appreciated by my managers. Still, I feel a void in my life. While my friends and colleagues do not understand my decision to leave my rewarding career, I know that I have no choice if I am to pursue my long-term goal and my childhood dream: to teach and publish research. While my friends think I am sacrificing certain career advancement for unnecessary training, I do not act impulsively, and I am certain that I have made the correct decision. What they do not understand is that I will derive even greater satisfaction by pursuing a doctoral degree than by earning a higher salary and advancing in my present career. By pursuing a doctorate, I will have the priceless opportunity to realize m y dream.    Learning gives me a world of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. The more I learn, the more fulfilled I feel. I do not learn solely to apply my knowledge in a practical setting; instead, it is the quest for knowledge and the challenge of learning that motivates me. Originally, I took my current job since I saw it as an invaluable opportunity to further my learning experience. Over the past two years, I have accumulated a good knowledge of Finance. I was introduced to Bayesian Statistics, GARCH processes, and other topics of time series analysis. I also learned how to price volatility swaps and categorize different optimization tasks.    While I never intended to focus solely on the practical side of finance, nearly all of my work revolves around it. For example, I have done research that forecasted assets' expected returns as well as research on a better way to execute a trade. These research opportunities were all results-oriented. I rarely have had the opportunity to look at the theoretical aspect of finance, like deriving closed-form solutions to evaluate financial instruments, which I sometimes find interesting. Although I try hard to broaden my knowledge of theoretical finance by reading finance and econometrics books on my leisure time, I am not able to test those theories empirically.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Interracial Dating Explored in Save the Last Dance Essay -- Films Movi

Interracial Dating Explored in Save the Last Dance The movie, Save the Last Dance, goes along with all of our discussions and conversations about the visual difference between the black and white cultures and the stereotyping that Hollywood does of the two cultures. The movie shows the difference in the two cultures, according to have your typical white middle-class suburban girl (Sarah) and your typical low-class black boy (Derrick). Save the Last Dance is a love story about the pros and cons that comes along with interracial dating. Hollywood displays Sarah as your typical white girl whose forced to move into a low-class neighborhood (with her father, Roy), which is inhabited mostly by blacks, after her mother dies in a tragic car accident on her way to one of her audition. The theme of the movie is really plain and simple. Sarah has always wanted to become a ballerina and attend Julliard, a school of performing arts in New York, however, after the death of her mother, she loses the passion for her dream. Like I mentioned above, Sarah was forced to move with her father, Roy, who lived in an old ratty house deep in a ghetto (inhabited mostly by blacks) in New York City. It had to have been a huge culture shock for Sarah, I mean, here is this white middle-class girl who feels that she?s to blame for her mothers death. And in an instant, she?s taken away from her home, neighborhood, and friends and forced to live and attend school in a black ghetto....

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Language Arts Lesson Plan Essay

Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and SST Wyle are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Objective (Explicit): Students will demonstrate writing clearly and coherently by developing a friendly or formal letter. Sub-objectives, SWABS (Sequenced from basic to complex): Students will learn parts of a friendly/formal letter and what the difference Is Students will learn the definitions of parts of a friendly/formal letter. Students will learn how to format a friendly/format letter. Students will be able to establish and maintain a letter style. Students will be expected to write a friendly letter to someone to tell of their explorer experience. Students will be expected to write a formal letter to the monarchs to tell them about their explorer experience. Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): Assess Students while they are writing their letters. A completed letter writing checklist. A completed friendly letter† or â€Å"formal letter† on a grocery bag. Key vocabulary: Explorer, Christopher Columbus, expedition, heading (if required, date, salutation or retreating, body of letter, closing, postscript (P. S. ), signature Materials: Sample friendly letter, sample formal letter, letter template, pencils, paper bags, Christopher Columbus Brainpower, Dear Teen Me book By E. Kristin Anderson. Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life) Ask Students if they have ever written a letter? Who they wrote to? Did they look different? Explain to Students that letters take many forms and serve a variety of purpose. Do you think a letter to your parent’s would look the same as if you were to write a letter o the President? Explain how letters can tell others about us (how we are doing, what we are doing), request things from others (asking the President to think about passing a bill), and why? Depending on the letters purpose you will decide the format. Today we are going to focus on friendly and formal letters. Instructional Input Teacher Will: Ask Students if they have ever written a letter? If so what kind? Did they look different? Explain to Students that letters take many forms and serve a variety of purpose. Do you think a letter to your parent’s would look the same as If you were to write a letter to the President? Explain how letters can tell others about us (how we are doing, what we are doing), request things from others (asking the President to format. Today we are going Just focus on friendly and formal. Preview and read a letter from â€Å"Dear Teen Me† book. (Friendly letter example), as well as preview and read formal letter examples. Student Will: Engage in introduction and questions. Preview and listen to the letter from â€Å"Dear Teen Me† book as well as preview and read formal letter examples. Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation Have sample letter handouts from the book. Guided Practice Show Brainpower video on Christopher Columbus, after video create a T-Chart on one side label it â€Å"To Mom† and on the other side â€Å"To Queen and King†, call on volunteers to create a greeting appropriate for â€Å"mom† and ask for another volunteer to create a greeting appropriate for â€Å"Queen and King†, continue until the signature part of the letter. While completing the T-Chart ask student if they notice the differences? Explain to Students that they are going to write a letter as if they are in Columbus’ time; show Students grocery paper bags (pre-cut to standard letter size). Explain that completed letters will be done on the grocery bags. Student Will: Watch video on Christopher Columbus, take Brainpower Quiz about Columbus, Think- Pair-Share about letter ideas and choice, engage and comment on letter T-Chart. Students have letter templates. Students can have handouts of written sample letters. Give Students letter writing checklist. Parts of a letter definition sheet. Independent Practice Direct Students to the T-Chart labels created prior to the video. Explain that they can either write a letter home â€Å"To mom† about their expedition experience or a letter â€Å"To Queen and King† telling them about their expedition. Assess Students as they are developing their letters. Make any suggestions and answer questions about letters. Student Will: Choose a letter based off of T-Chart, develop a letter that once complete will be put Students use letter templates to form their letters. Give Students letter writing checklist and parts of a letter definition sheet. He date. Greeting/Salutation the word â€Å"Dear† and using the person’s given name or relationship, or it may be informal if appropriate. Body This is the main text, which includes the message written. The tone is friendly and often includes news and invitations. This short expression is always a few words on a single line. It ends in a comma. Signature Line There is a typed or printed name added here. Postscript If your letter contains a postscript, begin it with â€Å"P. S. † and end it with your initials.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Compare and Contrast the characters of Ralph and Jack in the first and last chapters in Lord of the Flies

Lord of the flies is a novel about a group of boys who are lost on an island in the middle of the ocean. It is written by William Golding. Two of the key characters in the novel are Ralph and Jack, they have completely dissimilar characteristics and this essay will compare those two characters. The first time we see the two characters of Ralph and Jack contrast is in chapter one. The readers read that when Ralph first appeared on the island he was wearing his school sweater. Slowly because of the heat he took it off and ‘trailed it†¦ from one hand'. The fact that Ralph shows no respect for his clothes tells the reader that he is an ordinary school boy who does not yet care about his appearance. As a result of this he is not self conscious and thereby innocent. In contrast, Jack and his choir's, `bodies, from throat to ankle, were hidden by black cloaks which bore a long silver cross†¦`. Their dark clothes are menacing and hint about them being savages in the future. Their clothing is extremely unsuitable for their new surroundings and they soon take them off. Jack is also clearly the leader of the choir, as he is wearing a golden cap. He over exercises his authority and hurls orders at his choir boys. The readers also work out from this first chapter that Ralph was brought up in the Home Counties. Golding writes that Ralph, ‘†¦jerked his stockings with an automatic gesture that made the jungle seem for a moment like the Home Counties'. We can assume that Ralph, coming from the Home Counties, was brought up in a middle class background. This `automatic gesture` also tells the reader that he is naturally reassuring even in these strange set of circumstances. His natural reassurance is shown again later on when, ‘he saw two little-uns and, not having any idea own appearance , wondered why they screamed and ran`. He calm nature in these bizarre events show how innocent and immature he is. Ralph's immatureness is shown further when he finds out that there are no grown ups on the island, `the delight of realised ambition came over him. In the middle of the scar he stood on his head`. Ralph celebrates the fact that there are no adults on the island by standing on his head. Ralph standing on his head symbolises how their lives have been reversed. It also shows what an immature and innocent character Ralph is. Jack's attitude is completely different, he thinks because he has authority back in school it should be transferred to the island. He arrogantly says that he should be chief, â€Å"because I'm chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C-sharp†. We constantly see Jack trying to be the omnipotent leader. He even `protests` against democracy. One way in which both the characters of Ralph and Jack are similar in chapter is the way in which they treat Piggy. Ralph at first ignored Piggy for, `when the fat boy waited to be asked his name in turn but this offer of acquaintance was not made†¦`, Ralph did not care for him at this point and finds him rather tiresome. In-fact he even mocks him by teasing him about his â€Å"Ass-mar†. Ralph considers Piggy to be inferior to him as he is middle-class whilst Piggy is lower-class. Jack also hated him from the beginning, he constantly bullies him by saying things like, â€Å"shut up fatty† in-fact he did not even give him a chance. Jack bullies Piggy to make himself seem important, this shows to the reader that Jack is a bully at heart – this unfortunately does not change as the novel progresses. Ralph also betrays Piggy by telling Jack that his, â€Å"His real name's Piggy†. Ralph betrays Piggy's trust and confidence. Ralph acts in this way to gain popularity with Jack and his cronies as they are upper-class and he is middle-class. Therefore he looks up to them. Piggy being from a working class background finds life sociably difficult. In comparison Ralph and Jack, who obviously come from a more educated and wealthy background, automatically see themselves as superior. Piggy is also physically frail, because of his asthma, and needs Ralph to constantly look after him on the island. Ralph immaturity is shown again when in his eagerness to swim he runs and, `in a few moments the fat boy's grunts were right behind him†¦`. Ralph's enthusiasm to swim causes him to leave Piggy behind. Ralph chooses fun over common sense, whilst Piggy tries to be sensible. Ralph immaturity is shown when he, ‘stood there naked looking at the dazzling beach and sea'. Ralph shedding his clothes tells the reader that he is still very much a child and is not worried or self conscious about what others may think of him. Ralph's nakedness also tells us that he is innocent and childlike; as a result he is very naive. Being naked in `paradise`, metaphorically reminds the reader of Adam and Eve being naked in the Garden of Eden. If Jack had been around he would have thought it maybe gay or babyish to strip naked in front of everyone because he did not know such innocence as Ralph did. We see that Jack is much more mature and less innocent then Ralph. However, the readers also see that Jack is still very much a school boy who possesses fear and morals. We read that `Jack's face was white under the freckles. He noticed that he still held the knife aloft†¦`. Jack cannot bring himself to kill the pig; he is still a civilised school boy who is squeamish about blood. Ralph immaturity is shown further when he shows disrespect towards normal aspects of democracy. Piggy constantly warns Ralph that he should be â€Å"Careful! You'll break it!† Ralph is warned how fragile the conch is by Piggy and is irritated by the warning. The conch is symbolic of order, rules and democracy. Therefore Ralph's careless attitude towards it shows he does not yet understand the great importance of democracy and civilisation. This also shows that Ralph does not appreciate the good value of common-sense. Jack also shows no appreciation for democracy as he protested when they voted for a leader. However, this is out of pure greed of power – not immaturity. In the last chapter of the novel, Ralph's character is shown to have taken a complete metamorphosis. A clear example of this is when Ralph exclaims, â€Å"How could you listen for naked feet if you're splashing around in the water?†. In the first chapter Ralph swam in the water without a care in the world. However, now things have changed, Ralph is petrified for his life since Jack and Roger are trying to kill him. These painted savages will do anything Jack or Roger tell them to do, out of fear of being put to death. It seems that terror and danger has changed the immature outlook which Ralph had in life that we see in Chapter One. We also see that the way the other characters treat Ralph has also altered from the beginning of the novel. The younger children who admired and loved him previously in Chapter One, ignored and mistreated him. This is shown when, ‘he saw two little-uns and †¦ wondered why they screamed and ran`. Ralph has now become too immersed in his emotions due to the sorrows of his current life. This makes Ralph an unrecognisable figure for the younger children. In Chapter One the whole island was on the whole united in their aims. Now, because of Jack and Ralph's rift, the island is now split into two territories. Jack and Ralph each have their `end of the island`. This split lets Jack party and bully the `little-uns` in peace without Ralph and Rodger's interference. We also see that Ralph's character in Chapter One whose, `†¦mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil`, has totally changed. He has transformed from being a young innocent child to one that is now wild and fears death at every corner. Ralph's experiences have taught him to be ruthless and not to be so trusting and naive. This is shown when he vents his anger at the pig's skull. Golding tells us that ‘he lashed out and cried out with loathing†¦'. Ralph destroys the pig's skull in the same way that Jack and Roger destroyed the conch. This represents both clans rejection of rules and democracy. The pig skull is the `lord of the flies` as it attracts flies. It also represents evil, so therefore when Ralph destroys it is considered as if he has removed most of the evilness from the island. In the last chapter Jack's hatred towards Ralph reaches its climax, â€Å"They (Jack and Roger) hate you Ralph. They're going to kill you†. Jack hates Ralph because Ralph just wants to be rescued, which means you need rules. However, Jack and Roger just want to be free and have no rules or democracy. In addition Jack also wants to kill Ralph because Ralph took away his leadership and as a result he is extremely jealous. Upon being rescued by a group of naval officers, ‘The officer inspected the little scarecrow in front of him. The kid needed a bath, a hair-cut, a nose wipe and a good deal of ointment'. The readers are reminded here that despite Ralph going through this horrible ordeal, he is still ultimately a child. This reminds the reader of Ralphs's character in Chapter One when he looked innocent and childlike and looked at everything with, `bright exciting eyes`. One could see how the events of the novel have changed Ralph's character. However, Golding's description of his appearance when he was found by the naval officers, remind the reader that he is still physically a child. In conclusion when comparing Jack and Ralph's characters in the first and last chapter in the novel, one can see that the main differences are that Jack is more conventional and conformist where Ralph is more easy going and a little rebellious who is always on the look out for adventure and danger. However, Ralph would like to be rescued by others where as Jack would like to make his own ‘gang' and would thrive on his own leadership.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Prayer policies between the Christian and Muslim Essay

The Christian and Muslim religions have long argued their religious differences. On the surface, both religions possess similarities. Both religions advocate the worship of a singular God. Both impose obligations and duties on their believers as a means of becoming and staying as an advocate of the religion. Both use prayer as a means of communicating with God. However, when the prayer policies of each religion are contrasted, the differences between the two systems of beliefs can be easily identified—in their concept of prayer, the form of prayer and the rituals that come with it, and the intention of the prayer. A primary distinction in the prayer policies of both religions is their understanding of the concept of â€Å"prayer. † The Muslim religion, or Islam, understands prayer as that which involves a series of very specific rituals. The Islamic principle of salat, which is commonly used to understand the Muslim concept of prayer, signifies a rigid set of prayers that Muslims are expected to perform five times daily (â€Å"Salat: Daily Prayers†). On the other hand, Christians view prayer in a broader sense, in that they see it as a form of mental and emotional attitude. Therefore, their prayer is not limited to a prescribed form. For the Christians, there is no right and wrong way of praying (â€Å"Muslims Ask, Christians Answer†). A glimpse at the form of rituals each religion observes in praying best illustrate this point. In the Muslim religion, ablutions and washing are required before praying. This is in keeping with the belief that only those who are considered to have been purified can communicate with God. A prayer leader known as the Muezzin calls the Muslim faithful to prayer from a portion of a mosque called a Minaret. After calling the faithful to prayer, only the prescribed prayers should be recited. During prayer, proper clothing, as well as the calculated gestures of kneeling and bowing, is imperative. Otherwise, the prayers said are regarded as void, and the believer is required to repeat the entire prayer from the beginning to the end (â€Å"Salat: Daily Prayers†). On the other hand, the Christian religion does not prescribe either form or amount of prayer. No ablutions or washing rituals are needed before a Christian may validly pray to God. Christian texts such as the Holy Bible, offer suggested passages and prayers, but do not require strict compliance. The religion focuses mainly on the believer’s sincerity and not necessarily his words (Schirrmacher 2). Thus, Christians can use various forms of prayer such as dance, music, whether accompanied or not by lyrics, meditation, or through the use of artistic skills such as painting or sculpture. Another distinction in the prayer policies of both religions is the purpose of prayer. Although both Muslim and Christian prayer invokes the aid of an Almighty being, their prayers aim to bring about different goals. The believers of Allah (i. e. , the term Muslims use to call their God), through all their gestures and prayers, intend to manifest their submission with all humility as a servant, both to his Lord, and to his community (Spengler). Thus, intimate names of God cannot be invoked. Muslim believers regard Allah as solely the Creator and cannot be considered as on equal level with the products of His creation (Schirrmacher 2). Christians, on the other hand, aim to commemorate Jesus Christ’s sacrifice through the Eucharist (Spengler). Through prayer, Christians intend to express the intimacy of their relationship with God. Hence, they can address God as â€Å"Father† or â€Å"Abba. † These distinctions in prayer – their concept of prayer, their rituals in praying, and their goals of prayer—illustrate the differentiate prayer policies between the Christian and Muslim religions. While these distinctions set both religions apart, they both worship only one God. They also impose duties and obligations on their believers. Finally, they use prayer to communicate with God. Works Cited â€Å"Salat: Daily Prayers.† BBC Religion and Ethics – Islam. 09 March 2006. 27 February 2008 â€Å"Muslims Ask, Christians Answer. † 27 February 2008. Schirrmacher, Christine. â€Å"Christian and Muslim Prayer. † World Evangelicals: 1-4. World Evangelical Alliance. 27 February 2008. Spengler, Oswald. â€Å"Does Islam have a prayer? † Asia Times. 18 May 2004. 27 February 2008 .

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Macbeth English CW Essay

Malcolm calls Macbeth and Lady Macbeth ‘this dead butcher and his fiend like queen,’ (Act 5, Scene 9, Line 36). Do you think that Lady Macbeth has any redeeming qualities? In this essay I will try to show that Lady Macbeth, although she is evil, does have some redeeming qualities. I think that Lady Macbeth does have redeeming qualities and that she shows these at different points throughout the play. I think that we can see Lady Macbeth as a different person because we see what happens at points when Malcolm doesn’t. We know that Lady Macbeth was not responsible for the killing of Banquo and The thane of Fife’s wife and children. However, there is ambiguity over the question of whether Lady Macbeth is a witch or not. In these times a witch could have been identified by her ability to predict the future, fly, sail in sieves, bring on night in daytime and their ‘damned spot’. This is a supposed red mark on a witch’s body from where the devil has supposedly sucked blood. In act 1, scene 5 she says: ‘Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull Of direst cruelty’ This suggests that she wants evil spirits to take over to allow her to do what needs to happen. This makes us think that she may be a witch. In Elizabethan times people were quite scared of witches and King James, the king at the time, was especially fascinated by witches. In act 1, scene 5 Lady Macbeth seems very pleased to receive Macbeth’s letter but we see her say that she doesn’t think that Macbeth will be brave enough to murder Duncan for the crown. We also see that she is ambitious and ruthless when she says: ‘And chastise with the valour of my tongue All that impedes thee from the golden round,’ But she appears to be ambitious for her husband and not for herself. I think that this is a redeeming quality as she just wants to help her husband, as she doesn’t think he will go through with it because he is not tough enough. This seems fiend like as to suggest to kill a king is awful, made even worse by the fact that he will be sleeping and unarmed. A soldier would only consider killing and armed man, in battle morally right but to kill a guest is morally wrong. This is also regicide, and Shakespeare was taking a big risk putting such a controversial thing into one of his plays. I think that Lady Macbeth might horrify the audience with her language here especially when she says: ‘Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem To have thee crowned withal.’ I think that the audience would have been particularly shocked with the words ‘metaphysical aid’ as these are supernatural forces. I think that the audience would have been shocked further when Lady Macbeth says: ‘Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull Of direst cruelty’ Here Lady Macbeth calls to the evil spirits and asks them to full her with cruelty. This would have suggested that she either was a witch or wanted to become a witch. For the audience at this time this would have been horrifying. The words that Shakespeare uses suggest that Lady Macbeth’s head is full of thoughts of becoming queen, especially when she says, ‘crown’. Also the alliteration in the phrase, ‘to the toe topfull’, stresses the ‘t’ sounds and stresses the syllables of ‘topfull’. Then Shakespeare uses soft ‘s’ sounds, which sound like hissing, suggest Lady Macbeth’s association with evil. The association with evil comes from the story of Adam and Eve. In the Bible Adam and Eve are tempted by a snake to take an apple from the tree. This snake was in fact the devil and this therefore associates a snake (or hissing sounds) with the devil and evil. I don’t think that Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s relationship is conventional for the time as she seems to have a more male role. She seems stronger than Macbeth and in a way seems to have a power over him. She hasn’t even spoken to him yet and she has already decided what the plan of action is going to be in order for him to become king. In Act 1, Scene 6, we see Lady Macbeth welcoming Duncan to her house. In this scene she plays the role of the hostess and seems to be extremely evil in this scene. We have just seen her telling Macbeth about the plan to kill Duncan and now she is being really nice to Duncan. This will cause the audience to dislike her as we can see that she is obviously not a very nice person. This shows her as being really two faced and insincere towards Duncan. She is being, as she tells Macbeth to be later on, the innocent flower but the serpent underneath. In Act 1, Scene 7, we see Macbeth talking to himself and saying that he has no motives or good reasons to kill Duncan. But then Lady Macbeth comes in and uses blackmail and she taunts him to get him to go through with this, and to get her own way. ‘When you durst do it, then you were a man. And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man.’ This suggest that Lady Macbeth thinks that Macbeth is a coward and therefore not a man. This is fiend like as she is blackmailing Macbeth into doing it. She is telling him he is not a man, and to be unmanned was a bad thing in Elizabethan times. Lady Macbeth, therefore, looks like she is very responsible for Duncan’s death as it wouldn’t have even happened if Lady Macbeth hadn’t persuaded Macbeth to do it. In this scene Macbeth appears to be weak and not the dominant person in this relationship. Also she doesn’t appear to show any recognition that what she is doing is so wrong. I think that Lady Macbeth would shock the audience when she says that she would rather kill her own child than break such a promise as this one. ‘†¦I have given suck and know How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This also shoes Lady Macbeth’s fiend like qualities. This statement would have shocked the audience greatly. She says that she would kill her own baby while it was smiling at her while she was breast feeding it if she had sworn to do so. This is a shocking statement and I think it would have shocked anyone. This truly shows how evil she is. This statement also raises another point of ambiguity. Lady Macbeth says, ‘I have given suck†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This suggests that she has had a baby but there appears to be no child now. This raises the question of where the child is or if it is even alive. In Act 2, Scene 2 Lady Macbeth appears to have a few redeeming qualities. The fact that she has had to have a drink because she isn’t feeling brave is a redeeming quality. Also the fact that her thought are flicking around shows her tension and suggests that she is not as impenetrably ruthless as she seems. ‘†¦He is about it. The doors are open, and the surfeited grooms Do mock their charge with snores.’ This is another redeeming quality as it may shows her feeling guilty. Also when she says: ‘†¦Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t.’ This shows that she does have compassion as she couldn’t kill someone who looked like her father. Also in this scene when Macbeth comes back from killing Duncan, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a frantic, disjointed conversation while Macbeth is holding the daggers. This conversation last for thirty seven lines and it is only on the last line that Lady Macbeth realises that Macbeth is still holding the daggers. This shows how panic stricken they are and how neither is thinking clearly. This is a redeeming quality as this suggests that Lady Macbeth feels guilty and worried. In Act 2, Scene 3, Lady Macbeth faints when she hears that Duncan has been murdered. This is ambiguous as we don’t know if she is actually fainting or whether she is trying to cover up the situation. However this point is ambiguous as there are a number of reasons for why she might have fainted. She could be surprised (or even dismayed) that Macbeth is acting on his own or she might be shocked at Macbeth’s rashness when he kills the guards. Another point is that she might genuinely be upset at Macbeth’s gory description, as she said that Duncan reminded her of her father. The story which is probably more likely is that she is trying to draw attention away from the fact that Macbeth killed the guards to stop him from looking so guilty. This shows how evil she is. She doesn’t want people to focus on it too much and she also doesn’t want to be blamed. In Act 3, Scene 2, we see that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have drifted apart ad become more distant. Macbeth has become more independent as well. We see this when we see that Macbeth has made plans to kill Banquo, but Lady Macbeth is not involved. This is a redeeming quality as we see that Lady Macbeth has nothing to do with this murder, only they murder of Duncan which was to help her husband anyway. She seems to be affected by this as she asks him what will happen, ‘What’s to be done?’, but Macbeth won’t tell her. In Act 3, Scene 4, we see the banquet held by Macbeth. Lady Macbeth seems to be different at the start of this scene as Macbeth says, ‘our hostess keeps her state’. These suggest that Lady Macbeth is sitting quietly, away from everyone else. This shows that she is not acting like the conventional hostess. This also ambiguous and suggests that Lady Macbeth may have begun to lose her mind already or she may be feeling isolated as she and Macbeth have drift apart. This could also shows that she is feeling guilty which is a redeeming quality. However, as soon as Macbeth leaves the feast Lady Macbeth goes after him to remind him that he mustn’t leave and that he needs to go and be the host. When Macbeth starts to see Banquo and behave weirdly, Lady Macbeth covers up for him but tells him to stop being stupid and entertain the guests. ‘You have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting With most admired disorder.’ Here she is scorning Macbeth for ruining the banquet and drawing attention to himself. Lady Macbeth does not seem to feel guilty in this scene but she does seem afraid. I don’t think that she shows signs of feeling in this scene as she still blackmails and taunts Macbeth to get him to sit down and act as though everything is normal. Act 5, Scene 1 is the last scene that we see with Lady Macbeth in it. I think that Shakespeare uses the sleepwalking in this scene so that all can be revealed by Lady Macbeth to another character. I think that in this scene we begin to feel sorry for Lady Macbeth and I think that she has some redeeming qualities in this scene. One is that she acknowledges that she has done something wrong. ‘What will these hands ne’er be clean?’ This shows that she thinks she has blood on her hands and she wants then to be clean. She obviously feels guilty as she is having nightmares about it all. Also in this scene Lady Macbeth begins to speak in prose. Shakespeare always makes his main characters speak in verse but Lady Macbeth no longer speaks in verse. This shows that she is mad and is no longer important to the play. Also I think another redeeming quality is that she seems to feel responsible for all the deaths throughout the play, even tough she was only really responsible for one of the deaths, Duncan’s. I think that in this scene we begin to feel sorry for Lady Macbeth and like her a bit more. This scene shows that she does have redeeming qualities and that she isn’t completely evil. I don’t think that lady Macbeth is a ‘fiend like queen’. I think she is evil but has many redeeming qualities which make her seem a lot better as you go through the play. I also think that the fact that we see more of Lady Macbeth than Malcolm does mean we have the opportunity to see these redeeming qualities whereas Malcolm might not. I think that the moral of this play is don’t kill the king. It is not honourable or good and it will come back to haunt you.

Friday, September 13, 2019

History of the Olympic Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of the Olympic Games - Essay Example Olympic Games have advanced through various developments from the time they started. This paper will analyze the history of the Olympic Games. Specifically, the paper will look into the developments that have occurred since the Olympic Games started up to the present day. The Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 B.C. when the first Olympic Games were held in Greece. The purpose of these games was to honor Olympian gods, and they used to take place on the plains of Olympia, hence the name Olympics. A son of Zeus by the name Heracles is credited to be the father of Olympic Games. During the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C., an athlete run naked for about 192 meters and successfully completed the race, emerging as the sole winner in the event. The athlete’s name was Coroebus, a cook who hailed from Elis. Following the victory in the first Olympic Games, Coroebus became the first Olympic Champion (Guttmann 7-50). Among the Greeks, Olympic Games had significant religious, political as well as social influences. The Greeks believed that the Olympic flame used for the first time during the games was lit from the sun rays. Olympic Games were of such immense importance that the Greeks calculated time with regard to the cycle of Olympics, which ran for a period of four years. The Greeks treated winners of the Olympic Games with a lot of respect; they would immortalize the images of the winners in Olympia by erecting statues. Those who won the Olympics could receive many benefits from the society, unlike those who never won the games or did not participate in them. For example, if a prisoner won during the Olympic Games, he or she would be released and treated with a lot of respect in society. On the other hand, those who lost during the Olympic Games would be regarded as a disgrace to their respective societies (Young 102-155). The Olympic Games held during the ancient times

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Measurement system in engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Measurement system in engineering - Essay Example These were, at best, crude devices which gives a â€Å"feel† of the magnitude of the physical quantity. They do not provide accurate measurements and therefore cannot be recorded and kept for future reference. To overcome this, a new type of device was created. This is called transducer. These transducers are used to convert mechanical quantities into electrical signals which can be recorded. Measurement systems started gaining prominence in engineering and a new genre called â€Å"instrumentation† engineering was born. This is done using Strain gauges. Strain gauges are constructed with materials whose electrical resistance value changes when force is applied on them. The variation in resistance is directly proportional to the force applied. The variation in resistance can be measured using a wheatstone bridge or a simple voltmeter-ammeter method. The basic strain gauge is used in the industry in weighing scales, weighing systems etc. Different variations of the same are also used in measuring tension in a material (like paper, steel strip etc) as tension is also essentially force. A variation of the same can also be used to measure â€Å"torque† - which is the angular force i.e force x distance. There are several ways of measuring pressure. The cruder ways of measuring pressure using manometers or bourdon tubes have now been replaced by more sophisticated measurement techniques. The most common way to measure pressure of a flowing liquid is to use a venturi. As the liquid passes through a â€Å"venturi†, the velocity of the liquid increases and the corresponding pressure decreases known as â€Å"Bernoullis Equation† (â€Å"FlowMax engineering,†n.d.) This principle is used to measure the pressure. As a derivative of the same, the venturi meter can be used to measure â€Å"flow† of the liquid as well – since â€Å"flow† is proportional to square root of the pressure drop. An electronic circuit to generate the

Assignment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Assignment 6 - Essay Example Most of the explanations associated with destination management define it as the progression that comprises of resolutions taken on diverse stages which creates a new chapter of commercialization of the tourism Industry. All a DMC demands are to control and manage the flow and orders in collaboration with local businesses and services providers (Downing, 84; Presenza, 33). The main objective behind the establishment of every DMC is to focus on fulfilling tourists’ expectations. This paper presents the concept and operations of DMC along with an introduction of three DMCs located in the Bay Area along with the summary of their functions and operations. The intention of this paper is to stress the importance of the destination management in the contemporary tourism and to emphasize the added value creation process. Destination management Companies (DMC) major role is to manage and market the destinations and provide tourism services with excellence. Destination management Companies can be national, regional or local, based on the area they cover in providing services. These companies require to be centered on consensus-based approaches amongst the stakeholders and provide sufficient suppleness to adaptability for the management of organization of destinations. DMC are the companies that market the destinations to get maximum business, delivers outstanding services to their clients whether they are businessmen or tourists and confirms favorable settings for expansion and growth of tourism and their business. In order to understand how a DMC operates, three different DMCs located in the Bay area have been identified. The First Incentive Travel is a Destination Management Company in based in New York, offers to assist with formal meeting requirements, keeping the emphasis on the company and its clients with exceptional services. Its collaboration with other